Sunday, April 7, 2013

Abert's Towhee -

Abert's Towhee: Large, stocky, shy sparrow. Distinct black face, pale gray bill, gray-brown upper parts, paler gray-brown underparts, and rust-brown vent. Tail is long and darker than upper parts with rust-brown undertail coverts. Short flights, alternates rapid wing beats with wings pulled to sides. May be difficult to spot because it prefers to stay well-hidden under bushes.

Range and Habitat
Abert's Towhee: Found primarily in the Colorado and Gila River valleys in Arizona and parts of California, Nevada, Utah, and New Mexico. Generally prefers desert riparian and desert wash habitats. Preferred habitat includes dense vegetation, including thickets of willow, cottonwood, mesquite, and saltcedar; also found in cities or suburbs in exotic plantings.

They are threatened by cowbird nest parasitism and habitat loss, although some have successfully colonized suburban environments in the Phoenix, Arizona area. They may also be seen on the campus of Arizona State University.  The Abert's Towhee has one of the smallest total distributions of any U.S. birds species, making it much sought after by birders who travel to the Southwest desert to observe it.  They are an inconspicuous bird because they forage in thick undergrowth and rarely fly any great distance.  A group of towhees are collectively known as a "tangle" and a "teapot" of towhees.

The Abert's Towhee has an extremely large range reaching up to 170,000 square kilometers. This bird can be primarily found in the United States and Mexico, preferring ecological systems that range from dry to subtropical, including savannas and shrublands. The global population of this bird is estimated to be around 230,000 individual birds. At the current time, it is not believed that the population trends of this species will soon approach the minimum level which would indicate a potential decline in population. As a result of the population trends, Abert's Towhee at this time has an evaluation level of Least Concern.

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